
Archive for the ‘Weekend’ Category

Do Something This Weekend

Today is Friday, which means just about everyone who is employed in a 9-to-5 job is looking forward to the weekend. Of course, this includes me but not just because I’m off but also because it’s my birthday. Yes, amazing. Every year I’m surprised about how old I’ve gotten. But I digress.

Do something original this weekend. It doesn’t have to be outrageous, but pick something that you had always wanted to do but somehow never gotten around to it. Start that novel you’ve been meaning to write. Plan a trip. Ask out that someone you’ve been dreaming about. If its been awhile since you’ve seen a movie, go to the theater. Or hang out in a park. Start flying lessons. Take a martial arts class. Whatever.

Do something different for a change. It will give you a different perspective.
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